CARISCA Supply Chain Research Summit Pre-Conference Workshop
June 27, 2022, 9 am – 4 pm GMT

Apply Today
If you are faculty or a senior doctoral candidate in a higher education institution (HEI) in Africa, CARISCA invites you to participate in the special Paper Development Workshop, a pre-conference session of our Annual Supply Chain Research Summit. The workshop will be held in person at KNUST on Monday, June 27, 2022, 9 am – 4 pm GMT.
The number of seats for the program is limited. To be eligible, you must be a faculty or senior doctoral student in an African HEI, register for the conference, have a complete or near-complete research paper, and commit to attending the summit in person. The same paper may or may not be submitted for presentation at the main Summit.
The goal of the Paper Development Workshop is to create a platform for faculty and senior doctoral candidates to meet and seek professional advice from senior supply chain scholars on a specific academic research paper that they are currently working on, that is at an advanced stage for submission to an academic journal or ready to be submitted to an academic journal. One-to-one feedback will be provided to the participants in a safe environment, but there will also be opportunities for participants to engage with senior colleagues in more focused discussions.
To be considered for the 2022 CARISCA Paper Development Workshop, please apply online by Friday, April 1, 2022.
Accepted participants will be notified by May 2, 2022. If you have questions, please email Professor Adegoke Oke at
The workshop is fully supported by the Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain – Africa (CARISCA); there is no cost to attendees.