CARISCA 2024 SUMMIT                                                                                

Table 1: Prof. Glenn Richey

Table 2: Prof. Dale Rogers

Table 3: Prof. Adegoke Oke

Table 4: Prof. Thomas Choi

Table 5: Prof. Nat Boso

Table 1: Prof. Glenn Richey

Table 2: Prof. Dale Rogers

Table 3: Prof. Adegoke Oke

Table 4: Prof. Thomas Choi

Table 5: Prof. Nat Boso


Prof. Mrs. Rita Akosua DicksonThe Vice-Chancellor of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)


Lydiah Kiburu, Group Director, Business Transformation, Brand & Culture - Equity Group Holdings Plc Leveraging Technology and Innovation to Build Resilient Supply Chains in Africa

Adlon: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: John Serbe Marfo

Baltschug: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: John Frimpong

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Dominic Essuman

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Enoch Bulley

Adlon: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Priscilla Mante

Baltschug: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Abdul Samed Muntaka

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Evans Amoah

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Emmanuel Boakye-Yiadom

Adlon: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Priscilla Addo Asamany

Baltschug: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Henry Ataburo

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Darlington Adanfo

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Isaac Apike

Adlon: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Ibraheem Forson

Baltschug: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Matilda Kokui Owusu-Bio

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Emmanuel Anin

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Adetoyese Oguntimehin

Adlon: Women in Supply Chain Panel Session. Moderator: Matilda Owusu-Bio

Baltschug: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Dominic Essuman

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Benjamin Agyei-Owusu

Pearl: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Mona Ali

Session Chair: Dominic Essuman


Prof. Mrs. Rita Akosua DicksonThe Vice-Chancellor of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)


Lydiah Kiburu, Group Director, Business Transformation, Brand & Culture - Equity Group Holdings Plc Leveraging Technology and Innovation to Build Resilient Supply Chains in Africa

Session Chair: John Serbe Marfo

How Mobile Technology is Revolutionizing Access to Health Care in Eastern Africa: A Supply Chain Perspective.

Gilbert Nyaga (Northeastern University)

GHSC-PSM in Ghana's Western/Western North Combats Covid-19 and Hiv Supply Issues, Enhancing Healthcare Access and Commodity Availability with Transformative Impact.

Abena Ntodi, Innocent Ibegbunam, Daniel Owusu-Afranie, Irene Andoh, Charles Owusu Boakye, Edinam Amegashie (All from USAID GHSC-PSM)

An Assessment Of Health Commodity Supply Chain Visibility: Impact, Challenges, and Critical Success Factors of the Ghana Integrated Logistics Management Information System (GhiLMIS)

John Marfo, Henry Ataburo (All from CARISCA KNUST)

Session Chair: Priscilla Mante

Inventory Stockpiling: Causes and Impact at Community Pharmacies in Nairobi, Kenya

Agnes Maina, Nyamwange Onserio, Akelo Ernest Ochieng (All from University of Nairobi, Faculty of Business & Management Sciences)

Measuring The Impact Of Supply Chain Disruptions on Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Costs: A Study of the Ghana Healthcare System

Alhaji Cobbinah (KNUST) Abdulai Sulemana Baba (KNUST)

Assessment of the Newborn Respiratory Ecosystem: A Focus on Public Facilities in the Northern and Upper West Regions of Ghana

Emmanuel Menyah (Chemonics), Innocent Igbegbunam, Irene Andoh, Abdul-Fatahi Adam, Mary Ann Tanlongo (All of GHSC-PSM, Ghana), Rebecca Bronheim, Siobhan Vega, Tamah Kamlem, Brittany Stollar, Charlotte Stein, (All from GHSC-PSM, Headquarters, U.S.A), Kofi Issah (Ghana Health Service), Claudette Diogo, (Ghana Health Service), Damaris Forson (USAID Ghana)

Session Chair: Priscilla Addo Asamany

Social - Ecological Resource Configuration and Disaster Responsiveness: When does Coopetition Matter?

Priscilla Addo Asamany, Nathaniel Boso ( All from KNUST), Emmanuel Anin (Kumasi Technical University), Matilda Owusu-Bio (KNUST)

The Influence of Collectivism and Individualism on Co-Opetition Dynamics within the Context of African Supply Chains

Samuel Mayanja (Makerere University Business School)

Institutional Pressures, Top Management Commitment and Social Sustainable Procurement Among Manufacturing Firms in Uganda

Pamela Ssennoga (Kyambogo University), Henry Mutebi, Samuel S. Mayanja

Session Chair: Emmanuel Anin

Health Supply Chain Financing System in Ghana: Implications for Policy and Practice

Abdul Samed Muntaka (CARISCA KNUST), Emmanuel Kwabena Anin (CARISCA KNUST)

Optimizing Low-demand Pharmaceutical Packaging: Evaluating the Effect on Access and Inventory Cost of Advanced HIV Disease Diagnostics in Uganda

Henry Oundo, (Management Sciences for Health) Miti Joel, Shamim Nakade, Henry Komakech, Denis Okidi, Martin Oteba (All from USAID/Uganda Strengthening Supply Chain Systems Activity), Judith Kyokushaba, Viola Kasone, Martha Ajulong, Seru Morries, Proscovia Namuwenge (All from Ministry of Health, Uganda), Eric Lugada (All from USAID/Uganda Strengthening Supply Chain Systems Activity)

Improving Supply Chain Data Visibility through Solar-Powered Hardware at Remote Health Facilities in Uganda

Shamim Nakade (Management Sciences for Health) Denis Okidi, Henry Oundo, Henry Komakech, John Wasswa, Miti Joel, Amuzah Nshabaruhanga, Anthony Kirunda, Martin Oteba (All from USAID/Uganda Strengthening Supply Chain Systems Activity), Seru Morries, Martha Ajulong (All from Ministry of Health, Uganda), Eric Lugada (USAID/Uganda Strengthening Supply Chain Systems Activity)

Moderator: Matilda Owusu-Bio

Ensuring Inclusive and Gender-Responsive Supply Chains in Africa
  • Mrs Naa Densua Aryeetey (Vice President for Maritime, CILT Gh and Global Advisor for Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT))
  • Dr. Mona Ali Ekram Ali (Assistant Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management. Faculty of Management Technology, the German University in Cairo)
  • Fortune Kyei (Director of Operations, Guzakuza)
  • Lucia Addae (Chairperson, Lady Pharmacist Association of Ghana)

Session Chair: Dominic Essuman

Antecedents of Tendering Capability and Performance: The Role of Procedural Justice

Mavis Agbodza

Developing an Industry 4.0 Ecosystem for Sustainable Supply Chain Practices in the Vuca World: An Exploration in the Emerging Economies

Zakaria El Hathat

The Effects Of Supply Chain Integration On Public Hospital Efficiency: The Role Of Organizational Learning

Esther Nandara

Session Chair: John Frimpong

Advancements in Supply Chain Technological Innovations and their Effect of Business Performance; A Case of Naivas Supermarket, Kenya

Michael Boro (Kenya)

A Study of the Last Mile Supply Chain of FMCGs Among Micro Retail Outlets in Urban Areas. Case Study of Alimosho Lga Lagos

Grace Akinmolayan, Abiola Fagbrenro (All from Lagos State University)

Project Infrastructure Design as Transportation Aid to Logistic Performance: Evidence from Logistic Providers in Lagos, Nigeria.

Lede Ikpoh (Lagos State University), Ajemunigbohun Sunday Stephen (Lagos State University)

Session Chair: Abdul Samed Muntaka

A Systematic Review on the Supply Chain Challenges of Contraceptive Use in Africa

Desiree Chigbo (University of Nigeria Nsukka), Okorie Chinedu Justin, Ugochukwu Jane Eziwanne, Chukwuemeka Ubaka

Supply Chain Management of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Africa: A Bibliometric Analysis

Mulugeta Wube (Wollo University, Ethiopia)

Integration of Environmental Considerations into Supplier Selection: Review of the Literature

Tonny Ograh (Takoradi Technical University)

Session Chair: Henry Ataburo

Personality Traits and Driver's Behaviour of Selected Logistic Companies in Lagos State.

Ayobami Elegunde, SAKA, Rahmon Olawale, OKUNBANJO Olajide (All from Lagos State University)

Assessing Demand Management Practices in Gauteng Public Hospitals

Intaher Marcus Ambe (Jackson State University), David Selby, Jonathan Ellsworth

Building a Persistence Supply Chain on Chemical Logistics for African Economy Improvement

Maurice Eyo (Supply Chain Management, Nigeria), Ejem A. Ejem

Session Chair: Matilda Kokui Owusu-Bio

Humanitarian Operations and Disaster Management in Africa: Challenges, Strategies and Impact

James Mutua (RedCraft Logistics)

How Should Firms Approach Competition to Develop and Benefit Financially from Responsiveness? Evidence from Logistics Firms in Ghana

Getrude Ampong (KNUST), Dominic Essuman (University of Sheffield), Emmanuel Kwabena Anin (Kumasi Technical University)

Supply Network Characteristics as Contingencies Underlying the Relationship between Green Process Innovation and Financial Performance.

Prince Opoku (KNUST, Ghana)

Session Chair: Dominic Essuman

Assessment of Implementation Status and Challenges of Pharmaceutical Reverse Logistics: the Case of Selected Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Zerihun Eka (TBGH, Ethiopia)

Quantum Computing in Supply Chain: Revolutionising Management with Blockchain and Predictive Analytics

Swastik Anupam (Amity University Kolkata, India)

Logistics Management and Healthcare Facilities: Evidence From Selected Primary at the Grassroot

Victoria Hunga, Sunday Stephen Ajemunigbohun, Olufemi Jacob Fatile (All from Lagos State University)

Session Chair: Dominic Essuman

Securing Wellbeing and Building Resilience: A Resource Configuration Approach for MSMEs

Elvis Abima, Ahmed Agyapong, Henry Mensah, Nathaniel Boso (All from KNUST), Dominic Essuman (University of Sheffield)

Unlocking Competitive Edge: AI Technology Procurement Dynamics and Firm Performance in the Kenyan Financial Services and Manufacturing Sectors.

Linda Ingari (Strathmore University, Kenya), Jonathan Annan (Strathmore University, Kenya), Choudrie Jyoti (University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom)

Optimizing Health and Pharmaceutical Supply Chains in Africa: Challenges, Opportunities, and Evidence-Based Strategies

James Mutua (RedCraft Logistics)

Session Chair: Evans Amoah

E-sourcing and Performance of Inventory Management of Fast-Moving Consumer Good (FCMG) Companies in Lagos State, Nigeria.

Rukayat Pelumi, Olateju O. I (All from Lagos State University, Nigeria)

Use Offtake Techniques to Support The Growth of Local Supply Chains, Foster Technology Transfer, Create Jobs and Add Value Within the Borders of African Countries.

Christian Sylvain (Judian Int. Consultancy Ltd. Kenya)

Inventory Management Practice, Performance and Challenges of Program Medicines in Hadiya Zone Primary Healthcare Facilities, Southern Ethiopia

Mengistu Tirore (Wachemo University), Teferi Gedef, Alemayehu Adinew

Session Chair: Darlington Adanfo

Fairness-Aware Scoring System and its Application in the Diagnosis of Sepsis

Yi Yang, Xiangyu Chang (Xi'An Jiaotong University), Mei Li (University of Oklahoma), Yong Tan (University of Washington)

The Role of Consumer in Enforcement of Regulations in Private Security Industry: Case of Banks and Financial Institutions in Tanzania

Eric Sambu (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Linking Social Support, Service Experience and Procedural Convenience to Customer Satisfaction: the Stimulus-Organism-Response Perspective.

Darlington Adanfo (Ghana Tertiary Education Commission), Emmanuel Kwabena Anin (KTU, CARISCA), Henry Ataburo (KNUST, CARISCA)

Session Chair: Henry Kofi Mensah

The Supply Chain Adjustment Cycle:
Evolving from Responsiveness to Resilience through Learning

Robert Richey (Auburn University, USA), Anthony S. Roath, Tyler Roy Morgan, Colin B. Gabler (All from Auburn University)

Africa's Supply Chain Renaissance: Tech-Driven Resilience for Economic Transformation

Jim Mwanda (Janem Limited, Kenya)

The Circular Economy Transition in Ghana – Practices and Challenges of Smes Across Various Industries and Enablers for a Transition

Leonie Bartneck, Mahdi Alazzeh (All from Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), Henry Kofi Mensah (KNUST, Ghana)

Session Chair: Benjamin Agyei-Owusu

Big Data Analytics Capabilities and Humanitarian Supply Chain Resilience: The Mediating Role of Inter-Organisational Coordination Capabilities

Wilbroad Aryatwijuka (Mbarara University of Science and Technology), Henry Mutebi

Angle Mark a Device Used to Open Airway of a Neonate Born Immediately with Difficult in Breathing (Birth Asphyxia)

Emmanuel Mushi (New Born Thermal Control Company, Tanzania)

Supply Chain Management and E-Healthcare Records: Resilience in Policy Implementation for Sustainable Development in Lagos State, Nigeria

Busayo Ibikunle, Hunga Victoria Opeyemi (All from Lagos State University, Nigeria)

Session Chair: Enoch Bulley

A Study Of Factors That Influence Pedestrian Rate Of Accidents in Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria

Joel Asaju, Liman Alim, Jeariogbe Samsudeen Olaniyi, Ajimatanrareje Victor (All from Lagos State University)

Occupational Safety Management and its Effect on Water Transportation: Evidence from Lagos State Waterways Authority.

Olayinka Sholesi, (Lagos State University)

Investigating the Role of Stakeholder Pressure and Collaborative Partnerships in Driving ESCM Adoption for Enhanced Environmental and Operational Performance in the Ghanaian Pharmaceutical Industry.

Gifty Kumadey (Durban University of Technology, South Africa. Takoradi Technical University), David Odikro, Esther Nandara (GIMPA)

Session Chair: Emmanuel Boakye-Yiadom

Assessment of Framework Contracting Implementation and Financial Sustainability within Ghana's Public Health Commodity Supply Chain

Emmanuel Boakye-Yiadom, Innocent Igbegbunam, Daniel Owusu-Afranie (All from GHSC-PSM), Edward Agyekum (Ministry of Health, Ghana)

Retail Resilience Through Technology, Data and Smart Outcomes

Jonathan Karanja (Frontier Consulting), Marion Wambui Ngumo (Frontier Consulting)

The Role of Pooled Funding in Financing Nigeria's Family Planning Supply Chain

Joachim Chijide (UNFPA), Ummulkhulthum Bajoga (UNFPA), Amaka Anene (UNFPA)

Session Chair: Isaac Apike

Evaluating Suitable Marine Transportation Vessel Options for the Efficient Distribution of Relief Materials to the Damare IDP Camp in Northeast Nigeria

Ejem Ejem (Federal University of Technology Owerri), Joshua N. Osuji (Delta State University), Timothy S. Aikor (Federal University of Technology)

Implementation of Policy on Family Planning Supply Chain Financing

Ummulkhulthum Bajoga (UNFPA, Nigeria) Joachim Chijide, Ms Amaka Anene (UNFPA, Nigeria)

Supply Chain Finance and Agri-Food Product Quality Performance. the Roles of Cold Chain Logistics Capability and Supply Chain Visibility

Abdul Muntaka, Isaac Akurugu Apike, David Antwi (All from KNUST), Ogochukwu Ugboma

Session Chair: Adetoyese Oguntimehin

Enhancing Firms' Operational Resilience: Roles and Boundary Conditions of Training Types

Dominic Essuman (The University of Sheffield), James Aditchere, Henry Kofi Mensah (All from KNUST), Emmanuel Kwabena Anin (Kumasi Technical University, Ghana)

Leveraging Big Data Analytics Capability to Achieve Healthcare Supply Chain Resilience: Does Organizational Ambidexterity Really Matter?

Enoch Bulley (KNUST), Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo (The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), David Asamoah, Kwame Owusu Kwateng, John Serbe Marfo (All from KNUST)

Supply Chain Resilience and Sustainable Economic Recovery in Nigeria

Ibraheem ABDUL-AZEEZ (Lagos State University) Christy Bisiriyu, Adetoyese Oguntimehin Charles Asenime

Session Chair: Enoch Bulley

Strengthening Resilience of Africa's Food Supply Chain for Food Systems Transformation

Jeremiah Rogito (Food Systems and Land Use Coalition, Kenya)

Social-Ecological Value Creation under the Ascendancy of Current Digital Technologies

Samar Al-Kindy (Strathmore University, Kenya)

Big Data, Quick Insights: Rapid Review of Data-Driven Employee Safety Innovations in African Supply Chains

Rasheed Azeez, Victor Adebiyi Ajimatanrareje (All from Lagos State University, Nigeria)


Glenn Richey, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Logistics, Harbert Eminent Scholar in SCM at Auburn University Responsiveness, Organizational Learning and AI: The Future of Supply Chain Strategy

Adlon: Africa Supply Network Research Accelerator (ASN-RA) Session Chair: Benjamin Agyei-Owusu

Baltschug: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Jacob Kuutuome

Pearl: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Abiola Fagbenro

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Listowel Appiah

Adlon: Africa Supply Network Research Accelerator (ASN-RA) Session Chair: Ishmael Acquah

Baltschug: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Leticia Antwi

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Okyere Anim Barima

Stafford: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: David Asamoah

Adlon: The Logistics Managers Index Session Session Chair: Abdul Samed Muntaka

Baltschug: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Listowel Appiah

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Benjamin Agyei-Owusu

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: David Asamoah

Adlon: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Priscilla Mante

Baltschug: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Pasty Asamamoah

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Listowel Owusu Appiah

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Emmanuel Quansah

Adlon: Panel Session: Publishing in Top Journals in Operations and Supply Chain Management Moderator: Professor Adegoke Oke

Baltschug: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: David Antwi

Pearl: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Bonaventure Dery


Atoapem Frimpong Barimah, Senior Manager, Supply Chain Operations, Newmont Has Transformation Ever Been Achieved Without Supply Chain?


Glenn Richey, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Logistics, Harbert Eminent Scholar in SCM at Auburn University Responsiveness, Organizational Learning and AI: The Future of Supply Chain Strategy

Session Chair: Benjamin Agyei-Owusu

Supercharging Supply Chain Exchanges in Africa: Current State and Way Forward

Benjamin Agyei-Owusu (KNUST, Ghana), Joseph Onyango (University of Strathmore, Kenya), Barima Okyere Anim (KNUST, Ghana)

Re-interpreting Last Mile Delivery in the African Informal Markets

Priscilla Addo Asamany(KNUST), Mocke Kelvinne (University of Pretoria), Mogesa Motari Felix, (Strathmore University) Amankwaa Kumi Caleb (KNUST)

Scalability of Relationships in Construction Procurement in Sub-Saharan Africa

Busha Kitessa (Addis Ababa University), Usman Abbas (Kaduna State University, Nigeria), Esther Nandara (Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration)

Session Chair: Ishmael Acquah

From Resistance to Acceptance of SMEs Supplier Development Initiatives: An African Perspective

Mona Ali (German University in Cairo) Assilah Agigi (University of Pretoria), Alfred Sallwa (College of Business Education, Tanzania), Bonny Bagenda (Makerere University Business School, Uganda)

Antecedents of Family Financing and its Influence on Performance of Retail Pharmaceutical Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Mathew Kalubanga (Makerere University Business School), Mohammed Ali Sulaiman (Mzumbe University, Tanzania), Robert Kalema (Makerere University Business School)

Scalability of Relationships Among Supply Chain Actors in African Context: A Networking Theoretical Perspective

Henry Mutebi (Makerere University Business School), Ishmael Nanaba Acquah (KNUST), Mary Aming'a,(Strathmore University) Mavis Agbodza, Samuel S. Mayanja (Makerere University Business School)

Session Chair: Abdul Samed Muntaka

Ghana Logistics Managers Index

Emmanuel Kweku Quansah (Southampton Solent University (Southampton, UK)), Nathaniel Boso, Abdul Samed Muntaka (All from CARISCA, KNUST)

Session Chair: Priscilla Mante

Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience for Economic Transformation: Perspectives on Agriculture and Commodities Supply in Africa

Hannah Karanja, (Prime News Agency)

An Assessment of Traceability of Counterfeit Drugs in Ghana's Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

Priscilla Mante (KNUST), Richard Kwasi Boso (GIMPA), Nana Ofori Adomako, Isaac Apike (All from KNUST)

The Value of the Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) in Humanitarian Health Commodities Supply Chains in Africa

Anthony Anammah, (MEBS Global LLC, Project Management Unit, Nigeria Global Fund Malaria), Timilehin Omole (International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL)), Jacob Kuutuome (KNUST),Osezefe Ehimen Solina (Centre for International Development & Research)

Moderator: Professor Adegoke Oke

Publishing in Top Journals in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Glenn Richey (Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Logistics (JBL)), Steven Carnovale - (Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (JPSM)), Wendy Tate (Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM))


Atoapem Frimpong Barimah, Senior Manager, Supply Chain Operations, Newmont Has Transformation Ever Been Achieved Without Supply Chain?

Session Chair: Jacob Kuutuome

An Investigation of Inventory Management Practices for Locally Manufactured, Non-Cold-Chain Products in Nigeria's Pharmaceutical Industry

Emmanuel Ogah (Lagos Business School)

An Investigation into Causes, Consequences and Remedies of Poor Asset Management Practices in the Context of the Oil and Gas Sector in Developing Countries.

Robert Oloyede (Lagos Business School)

Optimizing Low-demand Pharmaceutical Packaging: Evaluating the Impact of Smaller Pack Size on Wastage of Sulfadoxine/PyrimethaMine 25/500mg Oral Tablets at Public Health Facilities in Uganda

Joel Miti, Henry Oundo, Shamim Nakade, Denis Okidi, Henry Komakech, Martin Oteba (All from USAID/SSCS, Kampala Uganda), Martha Ajulong, Jane Nabakooza, Myers Lugemwa (All from Ministry of Health, Uganda), Sunday Izidoro, Bernard Nsubuga (All from National Medical Stores Entebbe, Uganda), Jimmy Opigo (Ministry of Health,Kampala Uganda), Eric Lugada (USAID/SSCS)

Session Chair: Leticia Antwi

New Technologies Integration In Health Supply Chain Systems: The Use of Pharmaceutical Traceability Technologies in Rwanda to Improve the Product Quality and Safety

Nyirimanzi Joseph Desire (Rwanda Medical Supply) Evariste Ndaribumbye (Global Health Supply Chain- Procurement and Supply Management Kigali, Rwanda) Gaston Kazeneza, Ephrem Mfizi (All from Rwanda Medical Supply), Birikunzira Shabani Jean Bapriste Munyangaju and Josée Edouard (All from Rwanda Food and Drugs Board)

Network Embeddedness and Operational Performance: A Configuration Approach

Priscilla Agyemang, Fred Nimoh, James Osei Mensah (All from KNUST), Richard Kwasi Bannor (UENR)

Optimizing Healthcare Supply Chains in Ghana through Big Data Analytics: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Emmanuel Owusu (KNUST, Ghana), Doreen Adu (Arizona State University, USA)

Session Chair: Listowel Appiah

The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

Yusuf Lawal (Lagos State University), Tiamiyu, Riyanat Olasumbo, Saka Rahmon Olawale, Sanwo-Olu, Jermaine Ayotunde

Enhancing Sustainable Supply Chains in Africa through Value Chain Reporting for Climate Action

Sundus Al Nahari (American University of Cairo), Mumbi Maria Wachira (Strathmore University), Sherwat Elwan Ibrahim (American University of Cairo)

Fashioning A Sustainable Future: Quantifying the Triple Bottom Line Benefits Of Circularity in the Nigerian Fashion Supply Chains.

Jonathan Ikeolumba (Lagos Business School)

Session Chair: Pasty Asamamoah

Assessing the Digitalization Barriers within African Cold Chains for Resilience and Food Security Enhancement: A TISM Approach

Kavitha Gurrala, Dr. Oyenuga Michael (All from Woxsen University)

An Empirical Assessment of the Determinants of Digital Cash-Based Assistance Adoption in a Humanitarian Supply Chain Context

Sheila Namagembe (Makerere University Business School), Ntayi Joseph, Mugizi Sylvia

The Role Of Emerging Technology in Enhancing the Supply Chain Performance Of Relief Agencies in Kenya

Michael Karanja (Strathmore University)

Session Chair: David Antwi

Cultivating Prosperity: Exploring the Dynamics of Agriculture and Commodities Supply Chain in Africa.

Maximilla Wafula (Alliance for Green Africa, Kenya)

Operational Capability, Cold Transport Performance, Supply Chain Visibility and Food Loss: A Moderated Mediation Analysis

David Antwi, Robert Aidoo, Isaac Akurugu Apike, Leticia Adwoa Anima Antwi, Priscilla Agyemang, Abdul Samed Muntaka (All from KNUST, Ghana)

Analysis of Pharmaceutical Inventory Management Based on ABC-VEN Analysis in Rwanda: a Case Study of Nyamagabe District

Ephrem Mfizi (Rwanda Medical Supply Ltd), François Niragire,Thomas Bizimana, Françoise Mukanyangezi (University of Rwanda)

Session Chair: David Asamoah
An Examination of the Inherent Challenges in Supply Chain Systems in the Ghanaian Agricultural Sector: The Role of Stakeholders and Policymakers in Providing Sustainable Solutions

Kwadwo Nyantakyi, Charles Agyei (All from GIMPA, Ghana), Frank Akwei

Policy Implications on the Safety of Agro Food Distribution to Urban Centers

Abiola Fagbenro (Lagos State University), Giwa Olayiwola

Quantifying the Impact of Traffic Congestion on Delivery Time and Costs for E-Commerce Businesses in Lagos

Temitope Okunola, Emmanuel Adeoye Oyeleke, Ibraheem Forson Abdul-Azeez (All from Lagos State University)

Session Chair: Okyere Anim Barima

Prospects of Access-Based Consumption in Developing Economies

Alex Boateng (Regional Maritime University, Ghana), Dominic Essuman (The University of Sheffield, UK), Dacosta Essel (Dalian Maritime University, China)

Orchestrating Entrepreneurial and Institutional Resources to Enhance Operational Performance in Weak Institutional Environments.

Okyere Anim Barima (KNUST, Ghana)

Data Led Procurement Management and Performance of Banks in Kenya

Stephen Mutiso (KCA University, Kenya)

Session Chair: Benjamin Agyei-Owusu

The Moderating Role of Institutional Support and Relationship Quality on the International Alliance Learning Process and International Partner Investment

Mawuli Amedofu, Nathaniel Boso, Eric Fosu Oteng-Abayie, Abdul Samed Muntaka, Dorcas Nuertey (All from KNUST)

Supply Network Complexity, Eco-Innovation, Absorptive Capacity, Informal Network Governance Mechanisms.

Daniel Zokpe, Nathaniel Boso, Emmanuel Kweku Quansah (All from KNUST, Ghana)

Towards A Framework for Classifying Different Types of Digital Transformation: A Design Science Approach

Benjamin Agyei-Owusu (KNUST, Ghana), Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo (UT Rio Grande Valley, USA), David Asamoah, Emmanuel Quansah, Osei Eric Opoku (All from KNUST, Ghana)

Session Chair: Listowel Owusu Appiah

Green Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: Do Green Purchasing and Supply Chain Integration Matter?

Emmanuel Kwabena Anin (Kumasi Technical University), Henry Ataburo (KNUST), Daniel Etse (Kumasi Technical University), Darlington Bright Yao Adanfo (Ghana Tertiary Education Commission)

Green Supply Chain Management in Africa

Henry Ataburo, Listowel Owusu Appiah (All from KNUST, Ghana)

The Effect of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices on Manufacturing Companies' Performance in Ethiopia

Ephrem Negash Shebeshe (Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia), Dhiraj Sharma

Session Chair: Bonaventure Dery

Navigating Uncertainties: Crafting Resilient Supply Chains for Economic Transformation in Kenya

Deflah Komen (Diamond Engineering LTD)

The Role of Freight Volume on Sustainable Performance: Mediation – Mediation Analysis of Transport Efficiency and Green Innovation

Bonaventure Dery, Abdul Samad Muntaka (All from KNUST)

Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience in Africa's Economic Transformation Journey

Jennifer Tandoh (University of Cape Coast), Vincent Ackah (Ackah Baidoo Group of Companies), Emmanuel Quayson (UCC)

Session Chair: Listowel Appiah

Supply Chain Diversification and Supply Chain Performance of Food and Beverages Firms in Disruptive Environment, Kenya: Intervening Role of Supply Chain Resilience

Peter Mwangi (University of Embu)

Advancing Supply Chain Resilience: Innovations and Strategies for Sustainable Development

Edward Kusewa (St. Paul's University), Jim Muyoti

The Resilience of Nigerian Manufacturing Companies to the Current Devaluation of the Naira Currency

Ike Ehie (Kansas State University), Francis Ojadi (Lagos Business School), Yahaya Yusuf (Lancashire School of Business, University of Central Lancashire)

Session Chair: David Asamoah

Public Procurement Audit and Performance of State Corporations in Kenya

Zurah Mohammed (Moi University), Stephen Mutiso (CPSP(K), Kenya College of Accountancy University), Charles Lagat (Moi University)

Effects of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on Freight Logistics in Lagos State: A Case Study of God is Good Logistics Technology Limited

Joel Asaju, Liasu Temiloluwa Ezekiel, Liman Alim, Ajimatanrareje Adebiyi Victor, (All from Lagos State University)

How and When Does Buyer-Supplier Relationship Management Minimize Supply Disruption? Moderated and Mediation Analysis of Digital Innovation Capabilities and Supplier Performance.

Ishmael Acquah, David Asamoah, Caleb Amankwaa (All from KNUST) Isaac Mensah (University of Education)

Session Chair: David Asamoah

Using Interfirm Governance Mechanisms to Drive Supplier Responsiveness: The Role of Information Sharing and Firm's Collaboration with Suppliers

Desmond Osei, David Asamoah (All from KNUST), Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo (The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), Jonathan Annan (Strathmore University)

Unveiling the Dynamics of Supply Chain Financing in Developing Economies: The Rise of Fintech and its Transformative Influence on Africa's Supply Chain.

Doreen Adu (ASU, USA), Emmanuel Owusu (KNUST, Ghana)

Digitizing Healthcare Supply Chains in Africa: A Human-Centered Design Approach to Improving Data Visibility and Sharing Across the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain System

Bosun Tijani (Co-creation Hub, Nigeria),Temi Filani, Adefemi Adewemimo, Stephanie Okpere, Steven Karera, Olatunji Oluyide, George-Bush Otieno (All from 2iHUB Kenya) Gabriel Saka (eLIMU Kenya)

Session Chair: Emmanuel Quansah

Impact of AI on Retail Supply chains in Developing Countries: Challenges and Mitigation Tactics

Marvel Ogah (Lagos Business School)

Deploying Analytics for Improved Supply Chain Robustness: A Sense, Seize, and Transform (Sst) View of Dynamic Capabilities

Caleb Kumi (KNUST), Francis Andoh Baidoo (University of Texas Rio Grande) David Asamoah, John Serbe Marfo, Emmanuel Quansah (All from KNUST)

Optimizing Routine Vaccine Distribution to Last Mile Centers in Enugu State Nigeria Using a Modified Transportation Models

Chidalu Anyachebelu, Anene-Okeke Chigozie Gloria, Madu, Samuel Nzube, Ubaka, Chukwuemeka Michael (All from University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria)


Faith Mashele, Faculty member, University of Pretoria Gordon Institute of Business Science (South Africa) Harmonise Policies, Leverage Heritage: How Can Africa Drive Resilient Supply Chains?

Adlon: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Richard Boso

Baltschug: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Isaac Apike

Pearl: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Caleb Kumi Amankwah

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Abdulazeez Ibrahim Forson

Adlon: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: William Affloe

Baltschug: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Esther Nandara

Pearl: General Supply Chains. Session Chair:Robert Aidoo

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: Emmanuel Anin

Adlon: Emerging Issues in Global Supply Chains. Session Chair: Caleb Kumi

Baltschug: Sectoral Supply Chains. Session Chair: Robert Aidoo

Pearl: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Ibraheem Forson Abdul-Azeez

Stafford: Africa Supply Chains. Session Chair: John Manso Frimpong


Faith Mashele, Faculty member, University of Pretoria Gordon Institute of Business Science (South Africa) Harmonise Policies, Leverage Heritage: How Can Africa Drive Resilient Supply Chains?

>Session Chair: Richard Boso

Using Behavioral Nudges to Reduce Food Wastage in Ghana: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Mahyar Eftekhar (Arizona State University, USA), Xinming Liu, Karen Zheng (All from Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Richard Boso (CARISCA-KNUST)

The Impact of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Supply Chain Management: Perspective of Developing Countries

Neo Rafifing, Ofaletse Mphale (All from University of Botswana), Joyce Mosinki (Southwest Jiaotong University), Ontiretse. G. Kebitseope (University of Bolton)

Conducting a Situational Analysis on the Implementation Status of Kenya National Pharmaceutical Policy 2012

Tom Menge, Tracy Njonjo, Eunice Gathitu, Stephen Njuguna, Kefa Bota, Nancy Njeru, Clara Namidi (All from Ministry of Health, Kenya), Susan Njogo (Africa Resource Center)

>Session Chair: William Affloe

Revisiting the Economic-Environmental Performance Conundrum: A New Perspective and a Three-Way Interaction Approach.

William Afloe (KNUST, Ghana), Dominic Essuman (University of Sheffield, UK)

Assessing the Viability of Renewable Energy Integration in African Supply Chains

Bukola Odediran (Sustainable Procurement, Environment and Social Standards Enhancment, Nigeria)

Emerging Technologies and Sustainability Issues: Assessing Lagos State Policy on Globalisation of Supply Chain Infrastructure.

Ibrahim Hassan, Fatile Jacob Olufemi (All from Lagos State University)

Session Chair: Caleb Kumi

Comprehensive Analysis of Supply Chain Technology Adoption, Challenges, and Innovations in Africa

James Mutua (RedCraft Logistics)

Food Supply Chain, Financial Instrument, Goods in Transit Insurance, Logistics, Risk Management

Kehinde Abiodun (Lagos State Uninversity)

Integrating E-Procurement into Sustainable Production of Manufacturing SMEs in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa.

Nsikan John (Covenant University, Ota Nigeria), Ine Fubara Briggs (The Rivers State Bureau On Public Procurement- Port Harcourt, Nigeria)

Session Chair: Isaac Apike

Achieving Operational Flexibility in Food Systems; The Roles of Financing Mechanisms and Operational Capability

Isaac Apike, David Antwi, Abdul Samed Muntaka, Kwame Mireku, Matilda Kokui Owusu-Bio (All from KNUST)

From People to Plate: The Application of the Stakeholder Theory in the Case of Lesotho's Agricultural SMME's

Mathabo Kepa (Independent from Lesotho)

Aquaculture Insurance as a Financial Value Chain Addition to Sustaining Fish Farming in Lagos State, Nigeria

Sunday Stephen Ajemunigbohun (Lagos State University, Nigeria)

Session Chair: Esther Nandara

Agricultural Commodities Prices and the Cost of Living in Ethiopia

Tirngo Abeje (Bahir DAr University)

The Effects of Supply Chain Integration on Public Hospital Efficiency: The Role of Organizational Learning

Esther Nandara (Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration)

Analysing the strategy of Logistics Outsourcing and the Performance of Humanitarian organizations in the North East Nigeria

Solomon Lawrence(Nigerian Army University Biu Borno state) Yakeen Fatai, Godey Imade

Chair: Robert Aidoo

Building-Back-Better through Sustainable Supply Chain Finance (SSCF)

Jackson Wanjau, Ms Ann Maguta (All from Umma University)

Reducing Food Losses in Ghana: The Role of Operational and Technological Capabilities of Supply Chain Actors.

Leticia Antwi, Robert Aidoo, Isaac Apike, Priscilla Agyemang, David Antwi, Fred Nimoh, Robert Clement Abaidoo, Camillus Wongnaa Abawiera (All from KNUST), Richard K. Bannor (University of Energy and Natural resources), Selorm Akaba (University of Cape Coast)

Determinants of Pharmaceutical Product Track and Trace System Adoption in a Developing African Country

Yaa Bema Sarkodie Amankwah (KNUST), Dominic Essuman (Sheffield University Management School, UK)

Session Chair: Caleb Kumi

The Effect of Supply Chain Management Practices on Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Star-rated Hotels in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Yetaseb Feleke (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)

African Supply Chain Resilience for Economic Transformation: Sustainability Issues in Health System Supply Chain in Nigeria

Andra Nwachukwu, Henrietta Bakura-Onyeneke, Atu Uzoma, Bashir Yusuf, Josephine Sule, Aishatu Babale, David Bello Obadofin, Magaji Godwin (All from National Product Supply Chain Management Programme (NPSCMP))

The Impact of Pathways to Sustainability and Sustainable Supply Chain Practices on Sustainability Performance of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry

Dahiru Dauda (Modibbo Adama University, Nigeria), Yahaya Y. Yusuf (University of Central Lancashire, Preston,UK), Ike Ehie (Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA), Ibrahim Danjuma ( American University of Nigeria)

Session Chair: Robert Aidoo

Exploring Driver – Passenger Relationship: A Generic Study of Lagos Yellow Bus Drivers in Nigeria

Grace Akinmolayan (Lagos State University)

E-Procurement and Institutional Voids: The Effects of Innovation-Oriented Leadership and Employee Innovative Behaviour

Alexander Fianko Otchere, Daniel Etse, Meshac Awuah-Gyawu (All from Kumasi Technical University)

Food Safety Standards at the Processing Node of The Fish Supply Chain In Ghana: Awareness and Compliance Analysis.

Robert Aidoo, Opoku T. J., Tamakloe E.Y.R., Botwey Abigail, Owusu K. N., Tandoh Benjamin, Asamoah D.B., Owusu Asante B. Boakye Appiah G., Osei Mensah J. (All from KNUST)

Pearl: General Supply Chains. Session Chair: Ibraheem Forson Abdul-Azeez

Goods-in-Transit Insurance: Perceptions of Logistics Service Providers in Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria

Bisola Awolode, Sunday Stephen Ajemunigbohun (All from Lagos State University)

The Effect of Digitalization on Sustainable Development: The Mediating Role of Open Innovation in the Agri-food Industry with a Focus on the Food Processing Sector.

Shadrack Tabe (Freelance, Ghana)

Operational Challenges of Third-Party Logistics Companies in the Maritime Industry in Nigeria

Kenneth Ibiama (Federal Polytechnic Of Oil And Gas, Bonny)

Session Chair: Abdulazeez Ibrahim Forson

When More is Better (Or Worse): Supply Chain Resilience, Environmental Munificence and Financial Performance.

Albert Okai (KNUST, Ghana)

Can a Strategic Risk Management Culture Manage Supply Chain Climate-Related Risk Disruptions?

Mary Aminga (Strathmore University) David Mathuva, Jonathan Annan

A Conceptual Framework for Cold Chain Logistics Resilience of the Importation and Distribution Network of Fish Products : Evidence From Lagos-Nigeria

Olaitan Oladipo (Lagos State University) Asenime Charles, Ogochukwu Ugboma ,Abdulazeez Ibrahim Forson, Fagbenro Abiola Ahmed, Ogazie Esther Chidinma

Session Chair: Emmanuel Anin

How Should Firms Implement Buffering and Bridging Strategies for Improved Supply Chain Resilience and Economic Performance?

James Aditchere (KNUST, Ghana), Dominic Essuman (The University of Sheffield, UK)

Analysis of Drug Supply Chain of Public Secondary Health Facilities in Lagos State, Nigeria

Moses Adeyi (Department of Transport School Nigeria Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria, Nigeria), Emmanuel Enyiribe Ege (University of Lagos)

Examining How Cross-Border Cooperation can Help African Supply Chains Succeed in the Face of Economic Shift

Jennifer Tandoh (University of Cape Coast), Vincent Ackah, (Ackah Baidoo Group Of Companies), Emmanuel Quayson. (University of Cape Coast)

>Session Chair: John Manso Frimpong

Assessment of Technological Innovations on Supply Chain Management of SMEs in Lagos State

Adéyemí Salau (Lagos State University, Nigeria), Opele Adedayo Mathias

Rethinking Customs for Better Export Trade in Africa

Beatrice Mbinya (University of Nairobi), Kefa Simiyu (University of Johannesburg)

Supply Chain Digitalization and Human Capital Development on Academic Staff Performance in Selected Universities in Lagos State

Lawal Raheem, Michael Ayorinde Afolayan, Nurudeen Adeyemi SALAU (All from Lagos State University, Nigeria)