KNUST-based CARISCA team members gain insights, inspiration from U.S. visit
Seven KNUST-based team members traveled to Washington, D.C., in mid-September to meet with representatives from the United States Agency for International Development, CARISCA’s funding partner. Along with ASU-based CARISCA staff, the team briefed USAID on project accomplishments and brainstormed ideas for the future.

Medical and Humanitarian Logistics in Disaster Settings: Preparedness and Response
In his lecture, Ocran talked about how medical and humanitarian logistics are essential for ensuring that health care systems are prepared to respond to emergencies. Managing the availability of pharmaceuticals; medical/surgical supplies, devices and equipment; consumables and other products plays a critical role in preparedness and response when disasters strike.

CARISCA project data snapshot
As a project funded by a $15 million award from the U.S. Agency for International Development, CARISCA tracks multiple metrics to demonstrate our impact.

The Role of Mobile Resources in Access to Healthcare in Underserved Communities
In July, Indiana University professor Jonathan Helm discussed these challenges and potential solutions as part of CARISCA’s Distinguished Lecture Series. The focus of his talk was on mobile healthcare resources.

MSc Programmes in Supply Chain Management
The Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems, KNUST School of Business (KSB) and the Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain-Africa (CARISCA) invite applications from suitably qualified

Building a Future-Ready Supply Chain Industry
The key to building a “future-ready” supply chain industry lies in the untapped potential that comes from creating synergy among these groups. That was the key takeaway from a Distinguished Lecture delivered in May by Nannette Atuahene, a leadership and organizational effectiveness consultant.

The LMI Value for Ghana for the fourth quarter of 2023 is 63.3
The LMI summarizes the responses of supply chain (including operations) managers from multiple industries in Ghana. Data for the fourth quarter was collected from
October to December 2023.

Workshop: Problematizing and Demonstrating Rigor and Relevance in Quantitative Research
Target participants: PhD students, early career researchers, and other researchers seeking to learn something new and valuable to enhance their chances of publishing in high impact journals as determined by the Academic Journal Guide. To ensure high degree of interactivity, only 25 to 30 participants would be accepted. Hence early application is encouraged.

Elevating knowledge about Africa in international business: KNUST’s Prof. Nathaniel Boso’s legacy
On the 18th April, 2024, Prof. Nathaniel Boso will be delivering his professorial lecture on the topic, “International Business: Why Care About Africa?” at the Great Hall, KNUST