Defending Your Thesis at Viva – CARISCA Training Series

This training will give doctoral candidates valuable insights, strategies and practical guidance for defending their research. It addresses the academic rigor as well as the psychological and interpersonal aspects of the defense.

Supply Chain Action Network Meeting

On April 8, CARISCA will convene a Supply Chain Action Network (SCAN) meeting to shine a spotlight on harnessing these technologies to unlock unprecedented efficiency, enhance financial inclusion and promote sustainability within the supply chain ecosystem. This event serves as a crucial platform for stakeholders across the spectrum to collaborate on, learn and pioneer strategies that will define the future of supply chain management.

CPD – Supply Chain Analytics

Join CARISCA’s two-day Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course on Supply Chain Analytics, co-hosted and accredited by the Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM), Kenya.

Distinguished Lecture Series – Nannette Atuahene

Join us May 22 for the next event in our Distinguished Lecture Series. On Our Watch Global founder Nannette Atuahene will talk about “Building a Future-Ready Supply Chain Industry.”

Faculty Workshop

Wednesday-Thursday, June 19-20 Faculty Workshop Computational Modeling

Creating and Implementing Policy Changes Across Supply Chains

At our July 11 Inclusion in Supply Chain Training and Networking event, four women leaders will share their experiences implementing policy changes at their workplaces. Their stories will highlight policies that facilitate access and inclusion of underrepresented groups, including women, those with disabilities and compelled laborers.

Distinguished Lecture Series

At the next event in our Distinguished Lecture Series, Jonathan Helm from Indiana University will discuss these challenges and potential solutions that lie at the intersection of supply chain management, operations management and analytics. His focus will be on mobile healthcare resources.

Supply Chain Business Forum and Exhibition

Industry and academia will come together to share insights, trends and perspectives during CARISCA’s inaugural Business Forum and Exhibition set for July 29-30 in Accra, Ghana. The goal is to enhance supply chain efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness across Africa.