What We Do?

CARISCA divides its activities into components namely: research, stakeholder engagement and curriculum. These components pushes CARISCA closer to its aim to increase research capacity, strengthen and update supply chain curricula, provide supply chain management expertise to Ghana and Africa.

These activities also focus on developing partnerships and revenue-generating activities to sustain ongoing growth and influence in supply chain education, research and practice.

Component 1: Research

The goal for this component is to strengthen African higher education institutions' capacity for and adoption of innovative, locally relevant research.

Component 2: Stakeholder Engagement

The goal of this component is to create a strong network by engaging policymakers, the private sector, and civil society organizations in supply chain research, education, and knowledge transfer.

Component 3: Curricula & Training

The goal of this component is to strengthen African higher Develop relevant evidence-based training opportunities to benefit students and supply chain management practitioners in Ghana and beyond.