The primary goal of CARISCA’s industry engagements is to translate SCM research into action within the industry to create a great impact. To achieve this CARISCA has six main areas it pursues to reach the goal. These six main areas are;

Local Ghanaian Partnerships
CARISCA encourages supply chain industry players in Ghana to partner the center to help understand their needs, research into them and provide solutions to these needs. The center provides solutions to help these partners using its SCALE Concept.

African Regional Partnerships
CARISCA in its quest to be the leading center of excellence in Supply Chain across Africa invites partners across the continent to join its prestige group of industry partners.

International Partnerships
On the international scene CARISCA has a wide range of partners across several industries who play critical roles in various supply chains. Our international partners bring to the table great expertise and network that seeks to support Ghanaian and African stakeholders.

Supply Chain Action Laboratory Engagement
CARISCA hosts biannual Supply Chain Action Labs for Engagement (SCALE) to translate research into real-world solutions for Ghanaian and pan-African supply chains.

Consultancy Services
CARISCA’s consulting service focuses on the adaptation of research, assistance in implementing new technology and methodologies, and personnel training.

Affiliate Members
Our affiliates are from academia, industry, and government. Affiliation mutual benefits include collaborating for consultancy services, advisory services, and resource sharing. CARISCA would open an online registration platform to register and enroll interested affiliates.